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On Draft


“On Draft” is a safe place to explore all beliefs, concepts, feelings, and questions. Our thoughts are expressed through written words that we hope encourage us all to self reflect, dive deep and THINK in order to grow. Various authors (Lexi, other Growth Co. leaders and members) will share REAL and relevant stories and experiences of ALL types with an array of topics.

We hope you enjoy and can #fillyourcup through our blogs below.

Building: Self Awareness RECAP

Building: Self Awareness RECAP

Hi Friends, Lexi Hernandez here 🙂 As we transition from February's series - "Building Self Awareness", to March's series - "Slackin'? Creating Work/Life Balance", we wanted to  provide a clear layout of why we explored this topic, helpful tips to take away, and other...



Hi friend! 2022 was an amazing year, and we had so much fun getting to know each of you! Our online gatherings were full of laughter, transparency and vulnerability. Our in-person gatherings were community oriented and filled with friendship building! All of our...

Giving Tuesday :)

Giving Tuesday 🙂

Hi friend…Lexi here!  I hope this finds you well and that you’re enjoying getting ready for the Holidays!  I’d like to start by saying it’s my PRIVILEGE to lead Growth Co. I’m beyond thankful to have each of you in my life, and to be growing on our journeys alongside...

Saudade Reading 11/20

Saudade Reading 11/20

Saudade (pronounced "sow-DAH-djee"), noun, a feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia for a happiness that once was - or even a happiness that you merely hoped for. First recorded in the 13th century poetry collection Cancioneiro da Ajuda, saudade was popularized...

Wait a Minute…Who Are You?

Wait a Minute…Who Are You?

A study conducted by the University of California - San Diego (pre-pandemic) calculated that each person takes in about 34 GB of information per day. Through mobile phones, online entertainment services, the Internet, electronic mail, television, radio, newspapers,...