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On Draft


“On Draft” is a safe place to explore all beliefs, concepts, feelings, and questions. Our thoughts are expressed through written words that we hope encourage us all to self reflect, dive deep and THINK in order to grow. Various authors (Lexi, other Growth Co. leaders and members) will share REAL and relevant stories and experiences of ALL types with an array of topics.

We hope you enjoy and can #fillyourcup through our blogs below.

Building Friendship in a Lonely World

Building Friendship in a Lonely World

Hi friends,  My name is Lexi Hernandez and I am the Pastor here at Growth Co. We prioritize building meaningful and lasting relationships with one another, because we know how important community is for ALL people, but in this case, especially for those of us in...

Welcome to our Blog – “On Draft”

Welcome to our Blog – “On Draft”

By: Lexi Hernandez Hi friends!  It’s Lexi Hernandez, the lead brewer here at Growth Co. - the fusion of spirituality and everyday life for people in their 20s and 30s.  Growth Co.’s entire mission is to encourage transformation and growth through...